About me

An asthetics fanatic hoping to become one of the most successful and creatively dynamic costume designers of my age. Basically... I like things that look awesome.

Thursday, 30 December 2010

A series of unfortunately good costume choices

Jim Carey as Count Olaf in 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'

Here are some costumes that I really appreciate artistically. I'd call them 'gritty' but was told by a collegue that this is not the true Oxford meaning of the word. My gritty is that type of image or object that has depth, that looks like its been lived in detailed dirty, odd but fitting in its space. I believe this type of gritty is important to highly imaginative images as it grounds them in their own reality.

I suppose for a start if you want gritty then you can't really go wrong with the disproportioned top hat. The ribbon band at the base of the hat only enlongates the shape even more. What I like about this outfit is that its silhouette is not outlandish but it still is completely absurd. Don't get me wrong, I like outlandish; but the fact that this manages to achieve that without an obvious deformaty of tradition. What makes this exciting is its ludicrous take on the pinstripe. I'm not sure if they are handrawn or just warped by the thickness of the fabric.

Where it really gets intricate is when the trim on the edges of the straps mimic the vertical lines on the suit. This way the eye is guided round the form by these lines gets more dynamic as we reach the waistcoat where they fan out into a black velvet waistcoat. The outfit only simplifys just before the neckline so that nothing detracts from the period collar and introduction of an underlayer.

closer details like the big medieval style buttons make the costume even more menacing and confusing.

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