About me

An asthetics fanatic hoping to become one of the most successful and creatively dynamic costume designers of my age. Basically... I like things that look awesome.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Helvetica it is.. What is the deal with this font. I see t-shirts with it on, graphic designers raving about it. I suppose it is quite nice.

My first blog, tricky as it sounds I've done this type of thing before- in dear diary type of format. However, instead of writing to dear diary I'm going to write to you> Yes you no one of cyberspace. When I mean no-one I really mean no-one, according to how many followers of Twitter I have.

The problem most people have with these things I guess is that (to pinch a Stephen Fry idea) when something gets written down, especially when it is not completely private locked up with a Whinne the Pooh padlock it suddenly means something. But what I realised today is that I talk so much shit (yes future employer stalking me on the internet I do swear in my own time)  why shouldn't I put it down. Who knows it actually might do me some good.

The second problem is one that I used to be worse at dealing with: Criticism. Yes I am not the spelling B champion but I did get an A in A Level English. I do know how to structure sentences beautifully and if I concentrate then spell correctly, but the thing about me is I'm a 'I want it now type of person'. Not in the awful way you probably think of me now, but in the 'I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS IN MY HEAD I NEED TO GET THEM OUT' sort of way. But for some reason, be it a run in with the hideous youtube haters that trawl around there like grammar Nazis or just plain insecurity, most of my friends fear the blog because of criticism.

Last point, as we both know this is dragging on. Somebody in my Online promotion lecture described Twitter as 'gay'. Now I doubt this girl is a homophobe (more likely is that shes stuck in the 90's when is was barely acceptable to describe something uncool as 'gay'- I know, I did it and regret it.). The thing is, if you don't find yourself or the world interesting enough to talk about in a blog a couple of times a week then I'm not sure your artist material.

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